Vlad Oancea
Teacher of Drama

I’m Vlad Oancea and I’m in charge of theater classes. Now, not everyone wants to be on a stage and then the question arises, naturally, “why theater” or “why acting”?
At home, at school, with friends and later as adults, we act and react to stimuli and information. We receive, listen, process and react. There’s no need for a stage, that’s life, and theater deals with sequences of life that, to be believed, must be true or depart from a kernel of truth.
The sum of our reactions defines a behavior and this behavior, more precisely its analysis, is the basis of the theater.
Behavioral study is also the main subject of the courses I teach, behavior accompanies us regardless of our job or age, and the most effective method I have encountered is through play.
Theatrical games, in addition to the fact that they train attention, concentration, and the ability to convey a message as effectively as possible, also have a great quality. It accustoms the participants to the empty space and helps them to behave naturally and truthfully, starting from the message and the story they want to tell.
The experience of the seventeen years since I have been teaching these classes has confirmed to me that children always have a lot to say.
Their stories never run out, whether it’s experiences from school or vacations, exams, dreams and questions they’re looking for, answers to passions they want to share,
We just have to encourage them and listen to them.
I am a graduate of UNATC, the acting section and I also studied and practiced the theater of expression, pantomime. Also, in the last ten years I have accumulated a rich experience in improvisational theater whose educational valences are extraordinary.
The courses I support do not aim to discover talents, create hierarchies or stars.
Here, children will find a space for research, searches and trials, where they can feel at ease so that they can discover themselves.
It is my first year at Avenor, and starting from the fact that I found here the same principles of professionalism, learning and passion in working with children, it makes me able to quote from a famous movie: “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”.