Tania Răduță
Deputy Head Nursery (Greenfield)
Academic Learning Lead Nursery

My name is Tania Pӑduraru Răduţă and I am one of the Avenorian Learning Leaders who feels fulfilled with the main roles in my life: learning, being a mother, and teaching. I invite you to find out more about my learning journey below.
I graduated in Psychology and Educational Sciences from the University of Bucharest, specialising in Primary School and Nursery School Pedagogy in 2011 and achieved my degree (Definitivat) in 2013.
I have been working at Avenor since 2007 as a teacher and since 2011, as an age-range coordinator. Starting with the 2016 – 2017 school year, I took on the responsibility of Educational Coordinator for the entire nursery, with the focus on developing a creative learning community across the whole nursery school: Nursery, Reception and Year 1.
Education is my passion and I ensure that I am a continuous learner myself. In 2023 I passed the Level 2 School Inspector training course and I am currently enrolled for Level 3.
Throughout the 2023 – 2024, together with a group of colleagues, I joined the OECD Schools + Network project, a global initiative that provides a learning platform for schools worldwide. We connected with schools around the world, shared best practice, and became part of one of the six working groups exchanging ideas on developing Cognitive Engagement in the classroom.
I regularly attended different professional learning development courses, studying practical aspects of the English Early Years curriculum, focusing on the development and personal characteristics of 2 to 6-year-old children, such as: EYFS Teaching Diploma, ‘The positive relationships that support self-regulation in nursery’, ‘Going on a Language Hunt’, ‘Specific Area of Learning, Literacy – laying the foundations’, ‘Meaningful Maths – learning through physical play’, ‘Jolly Grammar’, ‘The characteristics of effective learning: thinking critically’, ‘Reggio-inspired practice: creative journeys with young children’, ‘Mind Lab’, ‘Bringing the Montessori Approach in own Setting’, and ‘Leading Learning from the Middle ‘certificates.
After more than 15 years at Avenor I am enthusiastic to continue my mission, together with the Learning Leadership Team team and the experienced teachers of both Nursery locations, Cașin and Greenfield, as Academic Learning Lead.
Additionally, I will continue to do what I like best; to be a teacher. I feel tremendously fortunate as I continue to have the great opportunity to teach various activities in all age-groups, together with the main class teachers.
Working with children has made me realise that it is very important to gain their trust by listening to them, learning together and always, always keeping promises. At the same time, I strongly believe that in order to support children’s progress, it is mandatory to enable good, transparent cooperation with parents and for this reason I always perceive parents as partners in education. Only together (parents, teachers and children) can we co-create our best future.
I am looking forward to spreading my passion for teaching and learning during this school year!