Steliana Curelea
Teacher of Sports & PE

Get ready. Set. GO!
In 2021 I joined the Avenor team with great enthusiasm. I am a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, specializing in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics.
I have worked with children since the end of my career in professional sports, with the confidence that this is what I was meant for. In short, I have been teaching for many years, with the same passion. I had the opportunity to work and to learn how to work with children from different backgrounds, with varying levels of performance.
Physical Education Class – joy through movement.
I want to add value to the team through my experience and knowledge, but most importantly, my purpose is to encourage children to move more, play and enjoy sports. Playing is a mutual convention that unites us, regardless of age, gender or level of training. If we offer the possibility of development through play and create the right conditions for a positive, healthy evolution, with an emphasis on self-confidence, we will have a generation of beautiful young people, on the outside and on the inside.
Sport builds characters, forms skills, educates endurance and empathy. All these ingredients put together in a safe environment for children, reveals the best version of them and ourselves.