Richard Thomason
Head of Secondary
Teacher of History

I have been working in education for nearly 20 years and consider teaching to be a noble and crucial profession. Being a teacher is not just about imparting knowledge but it is about modelling how we want the world to be and ensuring our students have role models that demonstrate a higher purpose and vision than simply material or examination success. A teacher’s role is to develop subject knowledge, a facilitator to guide students on the path to exam success. But a teacher also has a higher purpose – to inspire students to be the best they can be and have a vision to improve the world and approach life with creativity and optimism.
I started my teaching journey in China , where I taught English as a foreign language for a 3 month placement before qualifying as a teacher in the UK at the University of Chester. I then worked for 8 years in the UK at two large high performing comprehensive schools, one in Oxfordshire and one in Staffordshire, where I gained experience as a Head of department. I then made the leap into international schools, working in Uganda, East Africa where I was responsible for leading History but also gained 2 years experience as a Head of Sixth form. In 2019, I was appointed Deputy Head of the Secondary School, remaining in that role for 4 years, leading the academic section of the school before moving to Avenor College. My mantra in these roles has always been about opportunity and I let this guide me with decision making as to what brings the most opportunity and positive outcomes for the students. I completed a MSC in Educational Leadership & Management, from the University of Portsmouth. I did a research project on school and classroom environments.
I am a History specialist and I love researching history and visiting places of historical interest. I also love wildlife and nature and I enjoy taking pictures of wildlife and travelling to remote places in search of a glimpse of different animals. I also have a passion for folk music and enjoy writing songs and singing them on my acoustic guitar. I like to think what I lack in talent I make up for with enthusiasm. My other interest is philosophy and I love debating about the world and reading a variety of authors and evaluating their philosophical views.
I love living in Romania, which has such a vibrant and interesting history. I love the food, wine and exploring the beautiful countryside. In holidays, I enjoy exploring the different towns and places and consider it a privilege to call Romania my home!
My hopes and dreams for Avenor College is to keep improving and to be the most outstanding school on the planet! I want to see Avenor be a beacon of excellence, rich in opportunity for the whole of the school community. In addition, I want Avenor to be a stimulating, rewarding and happy place where all who walk through the doors prosper and feel the buzz of Avenor College, where we do each other proud on a day to day basis, serving and helping each other.