Ramona Mucenic
Deputy Head of Primary

I have chosen to become a teacher at a very young age, having had an outstanding role model in my family. From the beginning, I knew it was meant to be, and the path of my education became very clear: the Pedagogical Highschool of Bucharest, followed by the University of Bucharest, with a major in Psychology, Pedagogy and Education Sciences.
I have been an active teacher for over 25 years now, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I have constantly improved my teaching skills by participating in special training sessions and examinations. In 2014, I was awarded the First Didactic Degree in primary school tutoring by the National Ministry of Education. During 2016/2017 I took 6 Cambridge exams:
IGCSE – English as a Second Language;
Teaching Knowledge Test – Young Learners;
Teaching Knowledge Test – Content and Language Integrated Learning;
Teaching Knowledge Test – Managing the Teaching and Learning Process;
Teaching Knowledge Test – Lesson Planning and Use of Resources for Language Teaching;
Teaching Knowledge Test – Language and Background to Language Learning and Teaching.
Since September 2012, I have developed professionally alongside a community of specialists in education who promote excellence every day – the Avenor teaching community. Together, we have consistently demonstrated the exceptional quality of transformative education offered at our school, a quality officially recognized by external accreditation bodies. Thus, BSO (British School Overseas) rated us as “outstanding” in all evaluated institutional standards, and ARACIP evaluated us as “very good.”
In 2024, I became a BSO inspector after completing the two training courses (Level One + Level Two School Inspector Training) organized by Penta International.
I strongly believe that every educator’s activity should be guided by passion and true calling, as our noble profession involves responsibility, kindness, understanding, selflessness, empathy and a lot of love. We build character and we „handle” precious resources, we touch children’s minds and souls. Living in the present, we try to foresee the future and help create the best version of it for each and every student. My life-long teaching experience has been very rewarding. I’ve experienced much joy and fulfillment and a great sense of meaningfulness. Meeting former students always makes me proud and gives me confidence that I have made the right decisions.
Avenor is the path I enthusiastically chose to follow, both as a professional and as a parent. It is much more than just a school: a loving and caring community that makes each member feel safe and valued every day.
By encouraging solidarity, respect, self-realization, team-work, communication, transparency, Avenor has become an educational landmark, a way of life. What I most appreciate is the atmosphere, the good energy that thrives in our school, instantly felt by everyone who steps into our campus.
To me, Avenor has become a second home: as they say, home is where your heart is.