Raluca Tarcea
Admissions and Communication Manager
Executive Board Member

I learned rather early you shouldn’t travel through life while pulling the brake. Starting with high school, I had a pretty clear idea about who I wanted to be when I grew up and everything I pictured back then came true. I wanted to work in an area that would give me access to people’s stories, where I could use my curiosity while remaining creative every day. I didn’t know at that time this was called communication.
Since then, everything I did revolved around this; working for a newspaper or TV station, developing marketing campaigns, doing public affairs, social media or branding. I started to work as a reporter since I was a student in Cluj, and by the time I graduated from Babes-Bolyai University I already had two years of experience in a newsroom. I moved to Bucharest dreaming to work for a publication with national coverage but before I got there, I tried marketing, advertising, and orchestrating events for a company that delivered trainings, seminars and conferences. As a host for these events or as a simple listener holding a tape recorder, I always felt I gained a lot from the energy of every single person I met.
When I finally arrived in the big newsroom I was dreaming about, at ProTV, and I stayed there for 13 years, I realised that beyond all the breaking news, live reports, promos, huge marketing or branding campaigns, I will always remember the people that I worked with every day. Especially this one girl, a new reporter that came to me one morning after a 14 hours night shift, hugged me and thanked me for teaching her how to write her first news story.
Through the years, I searched as a freelancer for new people to write about and share their stories. I wrote, translated, edited and adapted thousands of texts; I coordinated teams, organized events and provided concepts for my clients.
Finally, I saved some time for me and my soul, and this taught me a new and wonderful lesson about the most intimate, warm and rewarding type of communication, the one you can only have with your own children. I love reading to Ania late in the evening and telling Ian everything that goes through my mind. The only moments I manage to keep just for myself are the ones I dedicate to doing sports or yoga, but these days we end up doing those together also.
I started my wonderful journey at Avenor knowing I will travel along true professionals, wonderful children and a vibrant community. I am working on integrating in the communication at Avenor the best practices of the big international schools, introducing all the new technology that we can use to enhance communication and to keep in mind that many things can be solved with a smile and a good word.