Dr. Mihaela Stancu
Romanian Curriculum Leader
Teacher of Romanian Language
Form Tutor 11 Alfa

I love being a teacher, the profession I have had for over fifteen years and I am always proud of my students. I feel lucky to be both narrator and character in their story, and who knows, maybe the author of their stories. After all, in a schoolboy’s diary, we are all the authors, narrators and characters of the same adventure of learning.
In 2002 I graduated from the Pedagogical High School “C. Negri” from Galați and I entered the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest (Romanian-English specialisation) and the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University “Babeș-Bolyai” from Cluj-Napoca (Psychology section, distance learning).
In 2006, I received a bachelor’s degree in Philology and a master’s degree in the “Theory of Literature and Culture/Comparative Literature” at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest.
In 2007, I graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (UBB Cluj-Napoca) and obtained a master’s degree in Theory of Literature and Culture/Comparative Literature.
In 2008, I passed the Definitivat exam in the Romanian national system. In 2010 I entered the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Letters (University of Bucharest, field: Linguistics) and in June 2015 I obtained my PhD in Philology. In 2019 I obtained Gradul 1.
Since 2006, I have been living the joy of being a teacher of Romanian language and literature. I taught in my first year at a public high school in Bucharest and for the next eight years at a private international school in Bucharest, collaborating with international schools from Austria, Albania, Georgia, Great Britain, Hong-Kong and Singapore, as a Romanian language teacher for Romanian students studying abroad in the framework of the International Baccalaureate programme.
I believe that school should be the second place you call “home”, a place where knowledge starts from self-knowledge, where what we learn finds meaning in the context of real life, where we define our identity, being aware of the diversity of contexts on the world map. The school is the place where we learn to be patient and not to judge, to analyse and to be curious. Also, this is where we learn that there are no final answers to our questions and precisely this makes our existence a beginning with an open end , in which we will have found our meaning and will have contributed to improving the quality of life.
I want this school year to be one full of colour, emotion, fulfilment, a year in which all the stories lived, heard, read, discussed, interpreted, raise awareness, inspire and create other stories.