Ioana Slav
Teacher of Romanian Language
Form Tutor 8 Delta

Having the opportunity to shape souls and destinies seems like the most beautiful job in the Universe. To be lucky enough to teach generations of students, to help them evolve and discover themselves sounds ideal. However, it is not just a beautiful dream, it is the job of a teacher, a job that I embraced out of deep love for children. I consider myself a lucky person because I can do what I enjoy every day.
In 2016, I graduated from the “Ion Maiorescu” National College in Giurgiu, intensive Philology-English section and entered the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest (Romanian-English specialization). The time spent among books, the passion for reading, criticism and literature laid the foundation for the desire to become a teacher of Romanian language and literature. In 2019, I finished college, so I became a graduate in philology. Also then I completed the courses of the Psychopedagogical Module at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Bucharest, Level I and received the certification to teach Romanian language and literature for secondary students. The educational path continued by enrolling in the “Didactics of philological disciplines” Master’s degree at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest and by continuing the psycho-pedagogical module to receive the qualification to teach high school students as well.
The year 2019 also symbolized the beginning of my professional life, because in August I entered the Avenor community, occupying the position of Teaching Assistant. Since then, my professional life has constantly evolved. After taking Titularizarea and Examenul de Definitivat in the national education system, I started the 2021-2022 school year as a Romanian language teacher. The desire to pass on my knowledge to new generations and the constant concern for my students led me to accept a new challenge: becoming a form tutor. Thus, from September 2022 I joined the team of form tutors for the secondary school.
The last few years have been full of courses and conferences dedicated to professional development such as: Learning empowered by technology, Oracy and the power of rhetoric, Teaching with love and logic, Continuing education program – Why is there a need for a methodological guide for secondary education?, Why do we need evaluation?.
The desire to evolve continued to guide me in my career, so in April 2024 I passed the pre-inspection for enrollment in the exam for Gradul II. It will be a long process, but the result will be worth all the sacrifices, because the job of a teacher involves a permanent desire to learn.
For me, the core of the learning-teaching process is the student, and the current generation of students amazes me with their desire to discover new things, to know and to research. Therefore, I want to apply modern learning theories, discovery learning and all the strategies learned over the years to encourage students to freely express their opinions and feelings, see the world around them objectively and enjoy every moment of the learning process.