David Taylor
Consultant for Leadership Development

One way or another, I have spent virtually all my life in schools. Inspired by my PE teacher at a young age, and possessing a love of sport, I knew that educating children and young people was going to be my vocation. Consequently, I studied for a PE and Mathematics teaching degree, accredited by the University of London. Subsequently, I studied for a Masters Degree in School and College Leadership at Kingston University.
I taught in London schools for over 30 years. My first teaching post was at the International School of London, a private school that was like Avenor College in so many ways. Achieving promotion to a Head of Department role, I moved to a state school in south London, where I remained for 10 years. In 1999, I moved to a Stanley Park High School as Deputy Headteacher, later becoming its Headteacher in 2005. In 2006, the school was designated a ‘One School Pathfinder’ by the UK government, which meant that I was given the opportunity to provide the strategic vision for a new 21st Century School. Passionate about Human Scale values and the primacy of relationships for effective learning, the new school was a hotbed of innovation: models of schools-within-schools empowerment, distributive leadership, participatory governance, transformational curriculum development, community involvement and radical approaches to assessment. In June 2016, it was awarded the national accolade of ‘Secondary School of the Year’.
Recognised as a progressive landmark, the school received visitors from all over the world, including a large group from Avenor College. Following retirement from headship, I became an educational adviser and have also become a trustee for two UK-based educational organisations: Talk the Talk and Rescue our Schools.
I was given the opportunity to work with Avenor, initially with PBL and LOTC. This role has been expanded to include strategic planning and development of educational leaders.
This is an exciting time in Avenor’s journey, and I am very much looking forward to being a part of it.