Cosmina Costache
Teachers for Teachers
Teacher of Geography

My path to becoming a teacher began in 5th grade, when I was meticulously organizing my materials and simulating a geography lesson in my own home, fascinated by the complexity and beauty of this science. Those moments of educational play were my first forays into the world of teaching, when I turned my room into a makeshift classroom and my parents and friends became my students.
I graduated high school at the National College “Nichita Stănescu” in Ploiești, Social Sciences section – intensive French, following the Faculty of Geography at the University of Bucharest, specializing in Geography – Didactics. During my university studies, I also followed the Psycho Pedagogical Module, which allowed me to develop my teaching skills and to gain practical experience, teaching in various educational institutions.
During college, I discovered a deep passion for protecting the environment, which led me to pursue a Master’s degree in Integrated Environmental State Assessment, which I started in 2023. One of my passions in geography is the use of Geographic Information Systems, a technology that helps us work with maps and geographic data in an interactive way.
At Avenor College, I intend to integrate GIS into the learning process to help students apply their geography knowledge in real and practical situations. Currently, GIS is the most useful computer system for international companies such as Google, Esri, Microsoft or NASA.
In the classroom, I aim to create an interactive and stimulating learning environment, where every student feels encouraged to express their ideas and explore the world beyond textbooks. I believe that every student has the potential to excel, and I want to help my students discover their passions and develop their critical and analytical skills. Through these constant efforts to keep geography relevant and interesting, I aim to help students stay curious outside of the classroom.
Apart from my academic activities, I dedicate my time and passion to exploring Romania’s hidden caves, being passionate about the field of speleology and paleontology. This activity connects me deeply with nature and enriches me spiritually by exploring unique and mysterious places.
Searching for and studying caves is not only a personal passion, but also a way to better understand geological phenomena and their impact on the environment. In addition to my science-related passions, I devote time and energy to playing sports, especially badminton, volleyball and basketball, looking forward to competing with my students during school breaks.
I have great faith in the current generation of students and their potential to bring positive change in the world, as they are the engine of innovation in our future.