Andreea Dumitrescu
Form Tutor 3 Delta

I didn’t choose my job as a teacher, but it chose me. The love for children, the fulfillment of the soul and the satisfactions I have when I am around them determined me to be a teacher. From the first day of kindergarten, I said I wanted to become a teacher. So, despite the great distance from home, I chose to attend the “Elena Cuza” Pedagogical High School in Bucharest. During those five years I learned what responsibility and the importance of being an educator means. In 2002 I graduated high school, with a double specialization, and I went to the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Dimitrie Cantemir University, where I studied English and Spanish.
Between 2003–2007 I was an educator at Kindergarten No. 17, between 2007 and 2009 I worked as an English language trainer at International House, taking general and business English courses. In 2009 I worked as an English teacher for two after-school programs. Between 2010 and 2013 I was the Educational Director of The Little Artist Kindergarten.
Being a teacher is, from my point of view, one of the most beautiful jobs. The satisfaction of teaching the little ones, of seeing how they grow, how they develop, knowing that you played an important role in their formation as future adults, is invaluable.
I have been part of the Avenor family since 2013 and every year I look forward to discover with my students the interesting roads of learning.
I am very happy that, as educational coordinator of the Summer School, I can work with a dedicated team of teachers on a summer programme that offers children an exceptional alternative to spend some of their summer days by combining learning with play, sports and nature, in activities specific to this program.