Ramona Mucenic, Upper Primary Coordinator at Avenor College, talks about preparing students for the transition between school cycles, about school themes and Project-Based Learning (PBL).

“Welcome back dear parents and students,

The school year that, with a little nostalgia, we left behind remains a memorable year for our entire community: intense and marked by pleasant moments, memorable events and exceptional results obtained by our students.
The evaluation of the fundamental competences at the end of Grades 2 and 4 by administering the specific tests of National Evaluation confirmed again the ability of the children to apply, analyse and interpret the accumulated knowledge. Moreover, we pride ourselves on the individual study skills that we develop early on, to grow independent, curious, open-minded students, able to work in collaboration with each other.
One of our constant concerns is to ensure a smooth transition between learning cycles. Regardless of whether you go to Pregatitoare grade, Upper Primary, Middle School or High School, the Avenor student is gradually prepared for change through carefully planned activities. During Grade 4, the children were acquainted throughout the year with the realities of the middle school and the 5th grade, in particular. They met some of the future teachers, participated in lessons of the older colleagues, carried out projects with them. In the second term, part of the grades specific to the primary cycle were doubled by grades/scores used in middle school, so that the future middle school students gradually got used to the new marking system. Teachers and form tutors meet regularly to monitor students’ progress and to think together about the most effective strategies to ensure their evolution, from an academic, emotional or behavioural point of view.

Since last year, the school’s themes have become more visible by transforming the weekly Assembly time into PBL (Project-Based Learning) module. The main objective is to extend the learning by planning, organising and carrying out group projects with an applied character, anchored in the day-to-day life. Through this multidisciplinary learning programme, we practice soft skills competences through which students naturally and authentically appeal to critical and creative thinking, demonstrating empathy and the ability to make group decisions.
This year we move to the second phase of the Project-Based Learning Programme – PBL, being guided by David Taylor, a specialist in cross-curricular approach to learning. The three hours of PBL will cover different curricular areas, including elements of Drama. We aim for our students to practice expressing their emotions, to better relate to each other, to develop their artistic side. We also expect them to be able to make more connections between school disciplines and to propose solutions to real life problems.

We like to look to the future, to prepare our children for scenarios, realities or jobs that do not exist yet. Therefore, it is important for them to acquire those qualities that will help them adapt to any situation. We want them to be confident, creative, involved, responsible, and innovative.