Avenor Celebrates the Coronation Day of King Charles III


May 6, 2023 has been designated an epoch-making day for the present and future history of Great Britain. It is the day when, with all the pomp and tradition of the institution of monarchy, Charles III will be crowned King of the United Kingdom. Former Prince of Wales, Charles, will become the sovereign of one of the great powers of humanity, governing within the limits of a constitutional monarchy and as the leader of the Anglican Church over England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, as well as symbolically representing the dozens of states in the Commonwealth.

Why, at almost a geometric distance between May 1st, International Workers’ Day, and May 10th, Romanian Royalty Day, did Avenor College choose to be part of the institutions that value and celebrate this event, apparently strictly related to British princely custom, history, and secular traditions of the Kingdom?


In the first instance, this decision can be interpreted as owing to the type of education assumed by the nature of the curriculum, but also by the formative values adopted by Avenor. Avenor College is affiliated with the British education system, for which it has a great degree of admiration and knowledge, and considers that, through the force of tradition spanning over a thousand years, as well as through the continuous power of innovation and reshaping, especially after 1980, the British school is probably the most reputable and desirable educational model in the world. Valuing and following the values and much of the content of British education, Avenor College is entitled and intrinsically motivated to celebrate Coronation Day.

The history of the British education system is organically linked to the history of the monarchy. From the earliest universities attested in the early Middle Ages and encouraged by the line of kings and queens until contemporary times, we have indisputable evidence that the sovereigns of the United Kingdom have encouraged education, humanist spirit, free and critical thinking. With very few exceptions, British sovereigns have been educated personalities in relation to the eras they illustrated, many of them encouraging culture, libraries, schools, and arts. The last in this illustrious line is the future crowned king, Charles III, a bright personality in relation to his completed studies, permanent curiosity for spiritual enlightenment, solid culture, concern for fellow human beings, and nature.


Another reason, at least for a culturally open part of Romanians, is that the Romanian monarchy is undoubtedly linked to the British monarchy. The most illustrious case is that of Queen Mary, a historical figure who entered the autochthonous mythological heritage, granddaughter of Empress Victoria, forced to reach a “world’s end” country, and to make this country a veritable homeland, which she served constantly, tending to its wounded soldiers during World War I, consolidating the Great Union in 1918, and guiding its messages through numerous diplomatic diligences worldwide.


The filiation and historical and cultural connections would probably stop here if we did not go deeper into things and study symbolically WHO is the monarch whose coronation we will celebrate on May 6. And here, recent history and the facts of contemporaneity prove to be much more evident.

History and perhaps fortunate destiny make Romania, for over two decades now, have its most successful ambassador in the person and personality of former Prince Charles and current monarch. Prince Charles has distant kinship ties to Transylvania, with one of his great-grandmothers of noble descent buried in a cemetery in the region of Transylvania. Charles has been drawn to Transylvania since 1998 and developed a great passion for its places, people, and still wild nature. In a perfect symbolic convergence, Charles found in Transylvania the embodiment of his cherished personal values: secular family traditions, architectural gems, rural spaces unspoiled by modernity, ancestral crafts and customs, forests and unspoiled meadows, species of flowers and butterflies that have disappeared from his native land, and which, as an amateur but passionate botanist, he admired and collected.

This family interest has turned into a tenacious passion. And we, Romanians, have become the most fortunate beneficiaries of Charles’s passion for Transylvania and subsequently for all of Romania. Prince Charles has since given a new face to the villages with fortified mediaeval churches, by encouraging UNESCO projects and patronising some of them on behalf of the British royal family. A tour of the bouquet of villages around Sighișoara or Brașov with such historical wonders, once in ruins (Biertan, Mosna, Copsa Mare, Malancrav, Alma Vii, etc.), can be as valuable as a tour to the castles of the Rhine or the Loire. Charles’s project to model friendly rural tourism through the rehabilitation of old village houses and the preservation of ancestral hospitality customs has put Transylvania on the world tourism map. His repeated calls for the respect of natural heritage, mountains, forests, the Danube Delta, offering in return the example of his own country, which lost its forests due to reckless exploitation, have alerted serious environmental organisations and political decision-makers.

Romania has shown gratitude on many occasions for Charles’s continuous efforts to support and promote the country. But more than the solemn occasions where presidential or parliamentary speeches were made, Prince Charles appreciated the Doctor Honoris Causa title awarded by the University of Bucharest, an occasion on which he gave an exceptional speech, reiterating his themes and passions: Transylvania, Romania, nature, and culture. And on another occasion, a painful one this time, the death of King Michael, Prince Charles spoke with simplicity and affection about the admiration he had for him throughout his life. Charles has always considered King Michael a model of modesty, spiritual cleanliness, and authentic patriotism.


In anticipation of the great celebration, Coronation Day, the Royal House has turned to the most famous heraldist in England to create an invitation to the long-awaited event. At first glance, the invitation seduces with the vivacity of its colours, the diaphanous graphics, and the impression of grace. Usually, these princely invitations are much more formal, and it is evident that their addressability seems extremely selective. In this case, the impression is that of an invitation addressed to the whole world, as, most likely, the style of the future sovereign will be strongly reformist. From a careful, princely section to a much broader addressability. Tradition and modernity in a perpetual balance. Upon closer examination and perhaps with the help of learned sources, the invitation offers a whole symbolism more or less occult. There are species of flowers and plants associated with the entire space of Great Britain, but also symbols of family, from princely coats of arms to more common members. There is also the Anglican Church to which King Charles will be a guide, but also references to a whole universe of pre-Christian spirituality specific to Celtic civilization. It is an intrinsic call for openness and tolerance in which all religions, all social strata, and all the people are absorbed. The British press is already talking about the symbolism of the little sprite at the bottom of the illustration, The Green Man, as he is called, a protective deity from Celtic civilization. And because history is or is not a series of coincidences, representations of the Green Man can be found carved on the facade of the Cistercian church in the village of Richiș near Biertan. A Cistercian church, part of several monastic edifices in this order, brought to Transylvania by the first Teutons from Saxony. A real interweaving of cultural matches that connects the invitation for Coronation Day over time to a Transylvanian church.

On May 6th, it will be Coronation Day. Charles will be, as they say, anointed king. Romania has “anointed” him long ago as its ambassador with exceptional rights.

That’s why Avenor College joins this celebration started by a country, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and became a celebration with universal connotations.

International recognition for the career guidance and counselling programme offered by Avenor

Avenor College received high recognition for its exemplary programme in career guidance and counselling during the assessment for the Career Mark International Award. This Award – an independent and objective evaluation of our CEAIG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) programme – outlined the key strengths that equip students with the necessary skills to thrive in the future job market. Not only does this recognition inspire confidence in our school’s ability to prepare students for tomorrow’s challenges, but it also provides an opportunity to continuously enhance the career guidance program. By staying ahead of the game and adapting to the ever-changing job landscape, Avenor aims to ensure that its students are always ready to seize the opportunities of the future.


We decided ourselves to apply for this award for three reasons. First, we wanted our community and prospective parents to stay assured that our school provides a state-of-art programme, in line with what the very best schools in the world offer. Secondly, we looked at the success that our students have after they leave Avenor and we wanted external specialists to confirm this and also to suggest next steps in developing the programme.  And last, but not least we know that universities look for the school’s profile when accepting students. This award is a flag for universities that our graduates are well prepared, that they make informed decisions about their future and that they will cope with the demands of university life.” says Dr. Daniela Vasile – Director of Learning and Acting Head of Secondary.

Starting from observations such as: “while your students are privileged, they have great humility and they want to give back to the community” that make us very proud, the overall evaluation of the CEAIG team and programme recognises the quality and breadth of Avenor careers provision and the impact that it has on our students.

During the assessment, students demonstrated a high level of maturity, articulation, and critical thinking. They engaged enthusiastically in discussions about their career aspirations, showing a deep understanding of their strengths, interests, and values. Many students expressed a desire to make a positive impact on the world, contribute to their community, and pursue their passions in various fields.

Avenor College’s learning ethos places a strong emphasis on preparing students for their future careers and fostering independent learning. One of the key elements of this ethos is the Avenor Learner Profile (ALP), which focuses on developing essential skills and qualities in students that are necessary for success in the workplace.

The school provides diverse opportunities for personal development, including talks with industry experts, university fairs, competitions, workshops, volunteering, community projects, and participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Programme and Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC) sessions. The strong support from subject teachers was also noted, with examples of students receiving guidance and mentorship in exploring career options.

Students at Avenor College showed a keen interest in various industries, including medicine, engineering, computer science, business and management,  finance, hospitality, politics and fashion design or film making career pathways. The school encourages students to pursue their interests and passions and prepares them for top universities.

The Grade 9 students demonstrated early career planning skills, with a good understanding of their personal skills and strengths. By Grade 10, most students were able to align themselves with specific sectors based on their skills and interests.

Avenor College’s commitment to holistic education and career development is further exemplified by the recognition of important work-related skills, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, initiative, creativity, and realism. The school encourages students to develop these skills through academic studies, volunteering, and extracurricular activities, preparing them for the demands of the professional world.

Grade 11 and 12 students are well-informed about post-18 pathways, with the traditional university route being the most popular choice. 

We are very happy and proud that Avenor College’s performance in meeting the standards of Career Mark International Award was evaluated as commendable, the report highlighting the school’s emphasis on self-development, career exploration, and personal growth through a wide range of opportunities. And our students’ maturity, articulation, and ambition were considered the perfect proofs of evidence.

The official report that can be read in full HERE.

Avenor’s training and mentorship program for teachers

Avenor College launches “Teachers for teachers” – a training and mentoring program for early career teachers who want to turn their job into a real profession. We are looking for both Primary and Secondary teachers who want to become the best version of themselves when it comes to their careers.

With 20 years of experience in education, Avenor College has a team of over 100 teachers trained to international standards to provide student-centred learning experiences. Our team consists of Romanian and foreign teachers with experience in various educational systems, both from Romania and from other countries, and is ready to share the best teaching and learning practices with teachers who are at the beginning of their careers.

Through this program we offer access to continuing professional education for teachers who want to start their careers under the guidance of experienced teachers, in an inspirational educational environment with modern facilities. Its idea started from the observation that the teaching profession no longer seems so attractive to the younger generations, and we asked ourselves why?

Although it is one of the most beautiful professions, it is also one of the most demanding. Why is it so difficult?

According to busyteachers.org, being a teacher involves making around 1,500 decisions daily, this number placing teaching in the top of professions in terms of this indicator.

We all know that in order to make good decisions we need to have deep knowledge and vast experiences to draw upon.

We believe that younger generations no longer choose the teaching profession due to the lack of mentoring programs – potential future teachers learn a few theoretical notions in pedagogical high schools and/or universities, then are left in the classroom without the minimum support necessary to facilitate their success.

Our program is built on the best practices at the international and national level – it is a mentoring program, but it also has elements of understanding the school’s activity as an ecosystem. In some schools, teachers arrive before their first class and leave immediately after the last class, making teaching a solitary job.

At Avenor, we are a community that supports and learns from each other – we are a community of practice. We have an excellent professional development program and we have mentoring sessions.

That’s why we’d like to pass on what we’ve learned that works – we think the time has come to contribute beyond the borders of our community, because we have the expertise and resources to do so.” says Dr. Daniela Vasile – Director of Learning and Acting Head of Secondary.

Our inspiration also came from other countries that have similar programs. For example, in Great Britain there are such programs offered by universities in collaboration with various schools, in which students – future teachers – have internships. The downside of these very effective programs is their high cost (between 7,000 and 10,000 pounds) which makes them unaffordable for many candidates.

The mentorship program offered by Avenor has the advantage that after two years, participating teachers can apply for an internationally recognized UK qualification in teaching. Basically, we offer a financially accessible option for accessing an international qualification in teaching, providing teachers with the practical and mentoring component and implicitly an impressive portfolio.

We want to attract young teachers who are passionate about their profession, who want to learn and become role models for their students and a source of inspiration for other colleagues. In an ambitious two-year project, we aim to provide young teachers with best practices, procedures and models to help them improve and at the same time motivate them to build a career in teaching.

The program follows the format and standards of british initial teacher training programs and includes:

  • Work experience in an international school – continuous training in the classroom;
  • Simultaneous teaching activities with an experienced teacher;
  • Cultivate the skills needed to create educational resources and lesson plans;
  • Class attendance and constant feedback from mentors;
  • The possibility of extending the educational activity within the school at the end of the program.

Pedagogical high school graduates, university graduates or students in their final year who have followed the Psihopedagogic module (minimum level 1), have a very good knowledge of English and a passion for education can enrol in the program.

More details about conditions, benefits and how to apply can be found HERE.

Meet our Teachers

Whether we are talking about curricular or co-curricular programs, excellence is the word that governs the planning and teaching at Avenor. Our teachers are always looking for the best teaching strategies, the most interesting and newest educational resources, the most interesting case studies so that students always feel challenged, interested in learning and involved in the process.

Several Avenor teachers have responded positively to the invitation to tell us about themselves and their approach to the preparation and delivery of the subjects they teach, so that we have a clearer picture of what learning at the highest level means.


I originate from the north of England and began my teaching career 25 years ago in a primary school and then made the move to specialise in an all age special school where I was head of music and drama. Over the years I have written and produced dozens of plays and musicals for pupils of all ages and given them the opportunity to perform. It was at this time that I incorporated my love for drama as an art form and as a dynamic teaching tool and during my time there the school established itself as a beacon for the arts. In fact during the Summer term our annual production included the entire school – including the teachers! It was always eagerly attended by the local community.

Teaching drama has two components, each equally important. Firstly it is an art form in its own right and instils an understanding and love for the dramatic arts at an early life. It enriches a child’s life and, as in my case, leads to a lifelong love of the performing arts both as a spectator and sometimes a performer. The second is the use of drama as a teaching tool. Drama in the classroom in its simplest form is ‘learning through imagined experience’. I see drama developing a young person’s ability to empathise and understand their place in the world. They learn to understand the past and problem solve. Drama strengthens relationships, social communication skills as well as critical thinking. An outstanding drama lesson in my view should be one where the students are inspired and motivated and above all be challenged in a safe environment. Although every lesson begins with a clear plan, often it can develop in a very different way than was originally planned due to the creativity and motivation of the pupils. The pupils should be interacting with each other actively, not just the teacher. I feel drama is a lesson in which pupils should be able to take risks in a totally safe environment. 

A good drama teacher should know when to intervene in the learning and when to let them take charge. They should be confident to explain why they have made the choices they have. They should be able to reflect on their own work and progress and also take pride in it . I often let the student lead the learning using structured role play. I try to model good practice in my lessons by engaging in their dramas and pupils see me in a variety of roles and I usually find this leads to excellent relationships in the classroom. I think it is important for me to be a positive, approachable role model for my pupils with clear expectations of discipline and mutual respect. 

Finally I know from my own experiences of speaking to ex pupils that the memory of a positive experience of either performing publicly or an exciting drama lesson can last a very long time and overall makes a young person feel like an intrinsic part of a community who values and accepts them. 


Our current landscape is becoming increasingly digital and it is important to learn about how this affects our lives, whether this is through the manipulation of advertising messages, staying safe in an online environment, or learning the impact of moving our social interactions online. 

What is being presented to students through the study of media is how to learn to decipher the messages that we are being sent via film, television, news, online media, video games and more. Alongside this insight students also learn how to construct media products from the stages of research and planning through to production and editing, developing technical skills that are becoming increasingly relevant in many industries. 

The ideal media student should be innovative, curious, academic, analytical and creative. If you are undecided whether Media Studies is right for you, consider how much media you usually digest in just one day. Are you curious as to how this media is created and by who, for what purpose? 

At Avenor there are so many excellent student led projects that incorporate and develop students’ use of technology. I see the impact of media studies everywhere in the school. Students are utilising skills in marketing, branding and production within other projects such as the Avenor Entrepreneurship Challenge where the 9th grade students had as their theme “Create a healthy and natural product for breakfast“. 45 students distributed in 9 teams presented their products created entirely by themselves in front of a jury, starting from market research, continuing with marketing campaigns to product and packaging design.

The ideal Media Studies lesson is a collaboration between teacher and students. The teacher provides the tools for learning and understanding whilst the students use their creativity and curiosity to debate and discuss key concepts such as the impact of technologies such as social media on our day to day lives, or how entertainment and news media represent social problems. Students engage with ever changing environments and discuss up to date case studies relevant to the culture we live in. In a production lesson Media Studies should nurture creativity and innovation, leading students to develop new and original projects through idea generation, scripting, storyboarding and experimenting with photography, filmmaking and editing to see the ideas come to fruition. 

Whether you want to be the next Scorsese or CEO of your own business, work in marketing and communications or the theatre, Media Studies provides valuable skills across all areas, allowing you to demonstrate your academic prowess alongside your creative talents. 


Growing up I did not have particularly strong roots with any culture or place. I had an appreciation for my Romanian background, I felt immersed in Scottish culture, and I felt privileged to be in a very diverse and multicultural school and community. These aspects remained part of my life throughout my education and informed my decision to pursue a career internationally. As a teacher who encounters a lot of students for whom English is an additional language, I place particular emphasis on literacy as this is often the key to achieving success in essay-based subjects like A level History.

There is an ongoing debate about the role of patriotism in the history classroom. While I think it’s important for young people to develop a love and appreciation for their culture, traditions, and country, I think this should happen through citizenship education. The role of a history teacher is not to nurture patriotism (although this may be a byproduct of studying history), but to inspire a love for the study of history, encourage young historians to think critically with historical knowledge, engage with the work of published historians, and explore their local history. Sometimes that involves grappling with negative episodes in our past and understanding their origins, significance, and consequences. By the end of high school, I hope students of history begin to realise that history is a construct: the past leaves us with traces, clues, and insight which historians must interpret and piece together to form a narrative of events. They should be able to recognise the differences between historians, their approach to historians and the limitations of their interpretations. Ultimately, I think that’s what makes history so exciting – it’s investigative journalism of the past!

The best history lessons are the ones led by students: they’re the lessons where students lead a seminar discussion or present their research; they’re the lessons where students come prepared for a heated debate about whether Nicholas II or Louis XVI were responsible for their downfall; they’re the lessons we have outside of school, when we’re visiting historical sites and the students are the ones asking our guides questions. So what’s the role of the teacher in all this? Primarily, it’s to facilitate these opportunities for students to take ownership over their learning. Secondly, it’s to equip students with the resources they may need and to ensure there is ample choice of resources. Some days are less exciting and we also have to focus on activities such as building structured notes or planning past paper questions, but even these days serve to give students the foundation to freely explore history beyond the curriculum.


As an educator I pride myself on my being the best at getting better. I am resilient and committed to continual development. I have always had a keen interest in the psychology behind learning and how the brain makes long term connections through constructive teaching and learning and positive behavioural management. My current focus for research and professional development is in metacognition, which I have seen have a dramatic effect on students’ progress and wellbeing. 

My teaching ethos is simple: well being. By creating a safe, stable and supportive learning environment students are able to openly make mistakes, reflect and identify how they can move forward. This approach to learning is applicable academically, socially and internationally. 

During my teaching career, I have been fortunate to teach in four different countries: England, Thailand, Brazil and Romania. Having exposure to a variety of global curriculums and cultures has enriched my skills and perspectives. One constant that I have encountered across the schools I have worked in, is how valuable thematic, inquiry-based, project-based learning is to the students.

Inquiry and project-based learning allow for students to become engaged and enthusiastic in their learning and progress, as it provides them with a platform to showcase their interests with pride:  project-based learning gives the students agency to become independent, confident, life-long learners. 

When developing a project-based curriculum, it is important to establish specific lines of inquiry which allow for the students to construct their own focus of interest. As a trained inquiry facilitator, I carefully plan projects to engage the students; giving them the structure to stay focussed whilst allowing for them to explore within their own curiosities. 

Project -based learning not only allows for students to have ownership of their learning but it also teaches valuable skills. It teaches them to have responsibility for their learning and pride in what they produce. I have seen this evidenced through many projects that I have planned and coordinated. 

The benefits of project-based learning are countless, but, to summarise, I would categorise the benefits into three subheadings: responsibility, motivation and life-long skills. As a teacher and coordinator, these are values I hold at the centre of my personal pedagogy. Through creative and well-informed planning, I ensure the students are enthusiastic and eager to learn, discover and take action. I believe each year has its own unique part to play in each child’s education and planning should therefore be kept fresh, current and evaluated regularly to ensure the students maxim learning potential is met. 


Starting my career with the Teach First Leadership Development Programme was certainly a baptism of fire. The programme is a charitable organisation which highlights the differences in outcomes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and seeks to close this gap by employing graduates from top universities around the UK and placing them in schools in low income areas. In practice, this meant a 6 week summer residential programme followed by being placed in a classroom in front of 30 students who have not always had the best relationship with the education system. During the following two years, I was able to develop my teaching practice and theoretical pedagogy both in the classroom and by completing my qualifications at university. Although these experiences were tough, they certainly shaped me as an educator. I found that in the face of poor behaviour and a severe lack of motivation, building positive relationships with students was key to developing them as mathematicians and all-round students.  

Teaching in international schools around the world meant a change in the background of the students in my classroom but the idea of building a positive relationship with them remained a core pillar of my teaching philosophy. The challenge was now less about implementing behaviour strategies but rather seeking strategies to ensure that all students could reach their potential.  

Even for motivated international school students, mathematics can often be a daunting subject. However, if students feel that they are making progress then they often start to see the subject in a much better light. Therefore, whether students are naturally gifted mathematicians or not, it is important that in each lesson they can pinpoint the skills that they previously could not do, but now can. In this way all students are made to feel successful even though their outcomes may be different.

One of the key features of teaching maths at Avenor is how we look to challenge the highly able mathematicians that we have. For these students mathematical processes can come easily but they often struggle applying them to real world situations or more complex problems. It is therefore important to model strategies and encourage resilience when faced with tough situations. Working in small groups also helps them develop their understanding as they are made to clearly explain their theories and methods to others. As a teacher, it is my role to facilitate this process with questions rather than provide answers when students are struggling.

When combined, building a positive relationship with students and ensuring that they are sufficiently challenged builds an environment which allows them to maximise their potential and flourish as mathematicians. 

Leading to the Future – Avenor Nursery in Greenfield Campus

After 20 years of experience in education Avenor Nursery makes another step forward to creating a meaningful impact: Avenor Greenfield campus opens the gates for children 3 to 6 years old. Here, young children will begin their learning journey supported by the enabling environment of a redesigned building, as well as by the surroundings of a natural site, Băneasa Forest.

We invite you to read this article written by Tania Răduță – Academic Learning Lead, and Cristina Farcaș – Acting Head of Nursery, who are sharing with us some thoughts about the pathway that Avenor Nursery had to follow in order to reach a new stage of development.


Tania and Cristina, you have many years of experience in the educational field and you know that these changes bring along challenges and opportunities. How will the children benefit in their development of such a dynamic environment, in the Greenfield campus?

Cristina Farcaș: We are ready to ensure the same experience for each child, as the British Curriculum, Early Years Foundation Stage & Statutory Framework for Key Stage 1, alongside the Avenor values, will remain the common ground of both Nursery locations. For us this is not a change, but a next step for development, as we will become a better version of what Avenor Nursery can offer to the community of Bucharest.

The Greenfield location has its unique charm and will welcome children with the forest aside, the school children vibration in the campus, transition to Primary School opportunities and large community events. My non-formal professional background modelled me to see the opportunities around, and in this case the first things that I see are: a complete school campus site and a wide horizon view towards the forest.

Tania Răduță: We will all benefit from this environment by allowing us to take risks, make mistakes and try again tomorrow in order to build perseverance and resilience. The trial error method is one that adults might do consciously and children do it through their play. As long as we, as role models, are open to embrace the unknown and learn from each new situation children will see and think that there are always various possibilities and solutions; they just need to be found. Therefore, I am confident that children will learn about possibilities and about finding different solutions to challenges. We will of course ensure consistency through routine, safety rules and other educational aspects and we will also expose children to new situations and changes in routine as it is an educational objective.

At Avenor you co-create the best possible future. This is your mission. How are you going to fulfil this statement having in mind the new community: children, parents and teachers?

Tania Răduță: Step by step, always with  each child’s uniqueness in mind. We will cherish every moment while focused on ensuring appropriate next steps for each child. With lots of patience and care in everything we do. Through building relationships, planning differentiated activities and  communicating with parents, our main partners in education.  

Cristina Farcaș: Yes, we co-create, together, within and beyond the school. This is the part of our mission statement that can be translated into “when we grow up we will make a difference, we will have impact”. And because “it takes a village to raise a child” all the adults in their life will contribute, parents and educational staff. We are curious to know the new families as well and collaborate through events, feedback, progress tracking, parent support and many other ways. 

Starting from the well known phrase “something old, something borrowed and something new” define the main features of the brand-new Avenor Nursery in the Greenfield Campus. 

Tania Răduță: For sure, the first word that comes to mind for something “old” is the experience that we have in adapting the British curriculum to our Nursery School identity. We will take advantage of the Greenfield campus and we will “borrow its energy and awesome vibe. And now, for the “new part, I am thinking about the chance of transforming the outdoor time into a forest time and, as well as, giving children the chance to imagine themselves in different stages of learning, from nursery to high-school.             

Cristina Farcaș: The leaders of the team are “old” and after all these years they are still here modelling a life lived by the vocation and loyalty. Some new teachers come from other educational systems and we “borrow” their different experiences to meet the variety of needs that each unique child has. We are enthusiastic to be in front of the “new” educational resources, furniture, support staff, and the smell of the new campus. 

You are exposed daily to different ways of playing. So, Tania, Cristina, it’s your turn to “have a go” and get involved in an imaginative game and start thinking about: What will be the impact of the new Avenor Nursery towards the future of Avenor College? Can you associate one word from the nature area with this adventurous journey?

Tania Răduță: The impact will be significant, for sure, as we will start to model new generations of children, in another setting for us. We will learn how to integrate all the nursery activities, within the dynamic activities specific to school, matching each piece like a puzzle. This will help us to grow even more and be interconnected as a whole. 

Moving on to the second question, nature is so inspiring so let’s join in this imagination game. Actually, right now an idea came to my mind. A long time ago, when we moved to the Casin location, in the playground there was a tiny tree with few branches and some beautiful shaped leaves. We then realised that it was actually a Ginkgo Biloba Tree. Throughout time this tiny tree grew at the same time as Avenor Nursery. It transformed into a strong, tall tree that protects children from hot sunny days. It also became part of our outdoor time and teaching: together with the children we look at the seasonal changes, we pick up the yellow leaves in Autumn and we make crafts out of them. I actually have a folder with pictures of the tree during different seasons on my laptop.  Therefore, coming back to your question, I am now thinking that maybe we should plant a Ginko Tree in the Greenfield campus, as well. 

Cristina Farcaș: Not only the nursery children will benefit from learning in a full school campus, but also the older ones. The scouts have a saying: “the little one learns from the old one, and the old one protects the young one”. What is more beneficial when looking at them as future adults than to know that they will have the ability of looking for each other? In connection to the second question, I definitely think about the birds that feed each other to survive and learn to fly from the more experienced ones. I can’t wait for our colleague Viorel Căpățînă, Geography and Global Perspectives Teacher, to show the little ones the birds in the forest. 

Avenor Nursery added a new chapter to its history in 2022, when the gates were opened at the Greenfield campus to a new Year One group (children from 5 to 6 years old). Therefore, following the carefully designed pathway, in September 2023 three groups of children from 3 to 6 years old are expected to join in. Here, young children will continue the Avenor Nursery`s 20 years of experience in early education, according to the British curriculum, using English language in a natural way.

Book a tour now to find out more about the new Avenor Nursery, in the Greenfield campus.

Ana Ilinca Segărceanu, Class of 2020

Avenor prepared me really well for University and made the transition from school to University smoother. I felt very well prepared academically as I learnt how to work hard and be organised in all my subjects. I formed connections with my teachers who encouraged me and gave me confidence within myself. This made me more prepared mentally and emotionally for University and made me feel less intimidated about the big change. One of the most useful opportunities I have had at Avenor was the internship experiences we had. My practical work experiences during high school helped me choose my career path better and significantly improved my CV while at University. Having already experienced internships, made me more prepared and skilled for future job opportunities during and after University.

Ana Ilinca graduated from Avenor International High School in 2020 and is a 3rd year student at City, University of London, where she studies Psychology and takes advantage of the practical training opportunities she has, just as she did in high school.


How did you take the decision to study Psychology ?

Ana: My two big passions in high school were Art and Psychology, so I was sure I would pursue one of them at University. After completing an Architecture course in New York, I decided that Psychology would be the better option for me, so I continued with a Psychology A Level in my last year of high school. I was supported by excellent Psychology teachers during my A levels, which made me fall in love with Psychology even more and made me sure that it was the subject I wanted to study further. 

Avenor: How did Avenor prepare you for the University experience?

Ana: Avenor prepared me really well for University and made the transition from school to University smoother. I felt very well prepared academically as I learnt how to work hard and be organised in all my subjects. I formed connections with my teachers who encouraged me and gave me confidence within myself. This made me more prepared mentally and emotionally for University and made me feel less intimidated about the big change. One of the most useful opportunities I have had at Avenor was the internship experiences we had. My practical work experiences during high school helped me choose my career path better and significantly improved my CV while at University. Having already experienced internships, made me more prepared and skilled for future job opportunities during and after University. 

Avenor: At this point in your life, how close is reality to the projection you made when you were a student at Avenor?

Ana: During my time at Avenor, I probably would have never thought I will be where I am today. I never expected to have as many work opportunities as I had and I thought my University experience would only be about studying, which was not the case at all. I was able to have a lot of different types of internships and placements which made my experience at City so much more complex and exciting. I was able to apply to be a Brand Ambassador at City, I did a 1-month work placement in the summer at the City’s Student’s Union and I am now doing a 9 month placement as a support worker at a mental health charity. 

Avenor: How did Avenor help you to become the person you are today?

Ana: Avenor offered a supportive and comforting place to learn, grow and make mistakes, all done in a safe environment. I have formed amazing connections with teachers and students that helped me learn better and enjoy my time in highschool. I have formed strong friendships, which are still important to me now and a lot of the students from Avenor are also studying in London with me. I have met amazing teachers which encouraged me, taught me how to work hard and always believed in me. I believe teachers have a huge impact in your life and how you view yourself. Avenor connected me to some special teachers which made me believe in myself and showed me my potential. 

Avenor: What advice do you have for our current students? What should they pay attention to? What should they do better during high school?

Ana: I would tell students to take advantage of their internships and choose them wisely. I think they are such a great opportunity to better understand what you will want to do in the future and to find out what you actually enjoy. There is so much variety to choose from and you can experiment and try so many different types of jobs, which is such a unique opportunity. I remember doing such an important 2-week internship that made me realise that I would really dislike working in that industry. It was something I was so passionate about, and I really saw myself having that career path. I was really thankful for the internship, which showed me the reality of certain industries and made me choose my path more easily. Furthermore, your internships will help you even if you are not sure which career path you want to take, which is very common and normal. In almost all internships you will find transferable skills which can be applied to any degree and career path. 

Avenor: What are your co-curricular activities at the University?

Ana: I am currently doing a 1-year work placement, which is a part of my degree. I am working 4 days a week for 1 year, and I will be going to my final year of University in October 2023. I am a support worker at Likewise, a London-based mental health charity. This placement makes me graduate with so much more experience and many more skills. It also helps decide which path in Psychology I would like to specialise in. 

Avenor: If you had to mention a person, an experience or an opportunity from your university life, which decisively influenced / helped / impressed you, what would it be?

Ana: I have felt very grateful with how supportive my University has been throughout my whole University experience. All the lecturers, tutors and staff are very receptive and have always been very open to help the students and answer questions. This was especially helpful in my first year, which was fully online. Having such a warm and supportive environment really improved my University experience throughout the more difficult times. We had a personal tutor and had meetings with him weekly and we had multiple points of contact for any specific issue. This made me feel less intimidated by my first year at University and made me feel more welcome. 

Avenor: If you had to send a message to one of your teachers at Avenor who influenced you in a decisive way at some point, what would that message be?

Ana: My message is to Miss Mihaela Ancuta. She taught me how having a strong relationship between a teacher and a student can make anyone good at anything they want. Miss Mihaela modelled a wonderful and healthy student-teacher relationship and helped every student reach their full potential in Maths. She showed me how being encouraged by your teacher and being encouraged to work hard can make you excel. I have fallen in love with Math because of Miss Mihaela and I have learnt to have confidence in myself and in my Maths abilities. My statistics module in University was one of my best, and it is mainly because of the strong foundation I received from learning with her. 

Daniel Mitoiu, Class of 2020

Given that I studied math, statistics, computer science and economics for my A levels, I had an easy transition from high school to my first year of university, which was easy from an academic standpoint. From an interpersonal perspective, Avenor has taught me the ability to interact with people coming from different cultural backgrounds and having had the chance to study in an international environment made it easier for me to interact and make friends abroad. 

I’ll also have to say that the professional experience Avenor offered me via two internships was exponential for me to secure an internship abroad at Bank of America.” – Daniel, Class of 2020

Daniel, member of the second cohort of Avenor graduates, is making the most of college life while keeping his sights set on his long-term goals, much like he did in high school.


Avenor: Where are you now, and what do you study?

Daniel: I’m a 3rd year student at Bocconi University in Milan, studying Computer Science and Economics. However, for the past semester I’ve been an exchange student studying at Manchester University, where I took some interesting courses including financial derivatives.

Avenor: How did you take the decision to study Computer Science and Economics?

Daniel: I first applied for a Finance Bachelor at Bocconi, but later changed my mind. This was after I realized that the industry in which I would like to work, more specifically trading, has become heavily dependent on technology. Hence, I decided to re-apply for an Economics and Computer Science major, and I don’t regret my choice. The course I chose at Bocconi has been applied and practical, or at least more applied than the other available options 😊. The course helped me improve my coding skills but also get a theoretical understanding of many machine learning and computer science concepts.

Avenor: How did Avenor prepare you for the college experience?

Daniel: Given that I studied math, statistics, computer science and economics for my A levels, I had an easy transition from high school to my first year of university, which was easy from an academic standpoint. From an interpersonal perspective, Avenor has taught me the ability to interact with people coming from different cultural backgrounds and having had the chance to study in an international environment made it easier for me to interact and make friends abroad. 

I’ll also have to say that the professional experience Avenor offered me via two internships was exponential for me to secure an internship abroad at Bank of America.

Avenor: What advice do you have for our current students? What should they pay attention to? What should they do better during high school?

Daniel: Life is getting harder because it gets real. Hence, any advance preparation is more than welcome. My biggest advice is for people to try to excel at something they really like. School is important, but it is only a requirement, so it is better if you go above and beyond what you learn in class for those subjects that interest you. 

Also, I wasn’t one of those students who had lots of fun in high school, but I can definitely say that the better I got at what I wanted to do professionally, the more fun I started to have. So, the message would be to not worry if you are working too hard now because your work will eventually pay off and you will also get the chance to have fun.

Avenor: If you had to mention a person, an experience, or an opportunity from your college life, which decisively influenced / helped / impressed you, what would it be?

Daniel: Overall, I would say the university life has been an experience itself and being able to make friends and discover Italian and British cultures has been fantastic. The most important thing is that university gave me the opportunity to study something that was close to my interests while also acting as a smooth transition into real life.

Avenor: What are your co-curricular activities in college?

Daniel: As well as I did in high school, apart from the normal classes I took in university, I got involved in co-curricular activities related to my interests. Thus, I joined two student associations: a financial markets club and an asset management club whose leader I became after a year.

Together with two friends, I also tried to launch a start-up in the summer between my first and second year, but I quickly discovered that this is something which requires a lot of experience and commitment, something that I would still like to try, maybe later on in my professional life.

Avenor: If you had to send a message to one of your teachers at Avenor who influenced you in a decisive way at some point, what would that message be?

Daniel: I think that all members of the educational team at Avenor have been supportive throughout my time spent in middle school and high school. However, I would like to thank in particular two people whose support has been exponential for my development. 

The first person is Mihaela Ancuta, who has been a great supporter since the first day I came to Avenor. During the admission process I had to solve some math problems, 40% of which I messed up by confusing the cotangent and tangent concepts. In spite of my mistake, Ms. Ancuta saw my potential and offered me the chance to join the class. From that moment on, she has been a constant supporter who encouraged me to believe in my passion, helped me excel at math and guided me throughout all the challenges I faced in high school. For this reason, I will be forever grateful.  

The second person has been Diana Segarceanu, who has been a great role model for someone aiming to be a successful business person in the future. She has constantly championed my deep interest with financial markets and has encouraged me many times to talk about my passion but also introduced me to important people in the industry, including Peter Barta and Valentin Neacșu. Most importantly, I am grateful for the supportive environment Ms. Segarceanu has created at Avenor, one which truly encourages students to pursue their passion regardless of what that might be.

Maria Neacșu, Class of 2019

Switching from a Romanian-system middle school to a Cambridge-curriculum high school was a big change I had to adapt to. I was very lucky that all the teachers in Year 10 were very patient with us and created a smooth transition to a completely different teaching approach, on top of studying in a different language. 

Throughout my time in Avenor, I really understood the Cambridge curriculum with the help of the British teachers, and experienced teachers in the system, which was an important step towards following a university degree in England. 

This really made my first year of university a lot easier and enjoyable, because it was a big part of the experience that didn’t need adapting to, so I could focus on meeting people and getting to know the culture.

Maria is an Avenor alumnus from the first generation of graduate students. She finished university and was recently employed in the UK, in a cybersecurity consultancy company.


Avenor: Where are you now, and what did you study? 

Maria: I studied Physics at University of Liverpool for the past 3 years, I graduated in July and I just started my first job this month at CyberIAM, a cybersecurity consultancy company which is located very close to Liverpool. 

Avenor: How did you take the decision to study Physics?

Maria: I played tennis professionally until I was 16-17 years old. After the IGCSEs I felt like I would like to follow a different path to tennis and go to university, so I started thinking about my favourite subjects in school. Maths was always a big passion of mine, as well as sciences, so I decided to try the Physics A Level. During Year 12 I really discovered and developed my passion and curiosity in the physics field, so I started looking at physics programmes for university. 

Avenor: How did Avenor prepare you for the college experience?

Maria: Switching from a Romanian-system middle school to a Cambridge-curriculum high school was a big change I had to adapt to. I was very lucky that all the teachers in Year 10 were very patient with us and created a smooth transition to a completely different teaching approach, on top of studying in a different language. 

Throughout my time in Avenor, I really understood the Cambridge curriculum with the help of the British teachers, and experienced teachers in the system, which was an important step towards following a university degree in England. 

This really made my first year of university a lot easier and enjoyable, because it was a big part of the experience that didn’t need adapting to, so I could focus on meeting people and getting to know the culture. 

Being quite a small school at the time, my generation and I had the chance to be part of very small classes which meant more interaction with the teachers and more attention being paid to our progress and to individual plans to reach our targeted grades. It was also great to get used to some English accents :).

Avenor: If you had to send a message to one of your teachers at Avenor who influenced you in a decisive way at some point, what would that message be?

Maria: Ms. Gillian, thank you so much for all the help provided throughout my A Level. Thank you so much for replying to my countless emails with past paper exercises I was struggling with. Thank you so much for being patient with my silly mistakes in mechanics. Thank you so much for helping me prepare for the interview for University of Southampton. Thank you so much for selecting  and marking countless past paper questions on the communications and circuits topics that I always hated. Thank you so much for helping me discover my passion and curiosity for this extremely interesting subject that brought me where I am today and paved a wonderful career path!

Alex Gheorghiță – Class of 2019

Avenor offered me the proper environment to develop as a person. Unlike normal schools, I met some amazing professors who made me enjoy studying their disciplines, I had the opportunity to become fluent in English, so much so that people ask me if I am actually Romanian, I was able to take globally recognized exams that opened many doors for me, and I had the pleasure to participate in a multitude of activities that shape your way of thinking and remain imprinted in your memory, such as the beautiful internships, one-day trips, volunteering activities, and famous guests that were invited.” Alex – Avenor alumnus, class of 2019. 

The first generation of the Avenor International High School graduates, Alex‘s generation, finished college and is already employed. Their story is the best guide for our current students who are looking into the future.

Avenor: Please tell us a few words about Alex Gheorghiță – newly hired employee.

Alex: In the beginning I felt immensely joyful and anxious at the same time, as it was my first serious, full-time job, showing me the reality of adulthood and both the responsibilities and perks that came with having a job. While personal time has decreased substantially from what it used to be during Faculty days, it also meant a huge increase in personal and technical skills development, representing a stage of maturing. As months passed, I overcame the shock that everybody experiences when they first start working for real, and slowly but surely gathered substantial amounts of knowledge and skills to, at some point, become a professional Full-Stack engineer.

Avenor: At this point in your life, how close is reality to the projection you made when you were a student?

Alex: Well, the funny thing is that when I was a student at Avenor I really wished to become a civil engineer. I even participated in some internships to two architecture studios and a construction site, an experience which I will never forget. However, in grade 11 or 12 my Computer Science professor, Mr. Ali, told my parents that I was really good at programming and that I should maybe consider it as a career for the future. I am more than glad to say that you were right Mr. Ali, it is a much more satisfying and creative career. Therefore, I thank you very much!

Avenor: How did Avenor help you to become the person you are today?

Alex: Avenor offered me the proper environment to develop as a person. Unlike normal schools, I met some amazing professors who made me enjoy studying their disciplines, I had the opportunity to become fluent in English, so much so that people ask me if I am actually Romanian, I was able to take globally recognized exams that opened many doors for me, and I had the pleasure to participate in a multitude of activities that shape your way of thinking and remain imprinted in your memory, such as the beautiful internships, one-day trips, volunteering activities, and famous guests that were invited.

Avenor: How difficult or easy was the transition from student at Avenor to student at the University?

Alex: In all honesty it was not a difficult transition, and that is because all the studying and preparation for Cambridge exams at Avenor prepared me mentally and gave me the necessary discipline to easily manage life at University. I can say that at moments, studying for Cambridge exams felt like being in University already. However, from a social standpoint, the aspect that changed at University is that I have met and befriended people from all around the globe, from the United States all the way to the Middle East and Asia, friends that I still talk to and go out with even today.

Avenor: What is your most vivid and cherished memory of Avenor?

Alex: There are many such instances of cherished memories. In spite of this, I have to say that the first few weeks at Avenor is the memory that is most alive to me. Why? Because until then, coming from a normal, public school where students would constantly be stuck in a survival mode, I had never thought that there could be such a wonderful school-experience. Besides the jaw-dropping building and hallways that I only saw in movies, the lessons that I attended those weeks left me speechless and craving for more.

We open the Avenor scholarship programme

120 beneficiary students, an experience of 13 years and a program of over 650.00 euros. This is the very brief description of the Avenor Scholarship Program. But what does this scholarship program mean beyond the numbers?


There are voices describing the program as a chance for excellence, others as an opportunity not to be missed. Some are motivated by the desire to succeed, encouraged by the results of an education system that proves its effectiveness every year, and others are captivated by the success stories of others, by the projects carried out and by the impact they have on the community.

Regardless of the goals that lead them to apply to the scholarship program, the candidates are definitely extraordinary students who want to help, to get involved, to make a difference – for themselves and for those around them.

Dana Papadima, Educational Director at Avenor and member of the Scholarship Committee provides a full description of the Avenor Scholar profile.

The Avenor Scholar brings together a number of academic characteristics and moral traits that derive directly from the values ​​of our School and make the most of the Avenor Learner Profile, in general.

 Obviously, the standards of academic excellence are extremely high, but, along with these, we want our scholars to demonstrate a constant proactive attitude, to exemplarily respect the standards of behavior, to participate in all the School’s events, to be true role models for our entire school community. Along with these desirable criteria for all our students, the Avenor scholarship holder demonstrates his added value through an individual project (or a mini-team) that he proposes, leads and monitors during a school year, or over several years. Obviously, the project of each scholarship holder also circumscribes the Avenor Learner Profile, taking different forms (artistic, ecological, academic, creating events) that reflects work autonomy and emotional and moral engagement in community life.

Meet the Avenor scholars from 2021-2022 school year

In the 2021 – 2022 school year, Avenor supported 14 scholars – 10 students continued their scholarship from the previous year (2020-2021) and 4 new students. 

We invite you to find out the reasons behind the decision of each of the new scholars to enroll in this race for excellence.

Tudor, grade 9

“For me, the scholarship status is an honor, but also an opportunity to develop and evolve. Coming from the national school system, I was looking for an education system that would encourage student development at all levels. I applied for a scholarship at Avenor because I identified with the school’s values ​​and because I wanted to develop and reach my full potential.”


Antonia, grade 11

”I applied for a scholarship here at Avenor because I admired the other scholarship students as well as their projects and I wanted to achieve the same thing. It was a way for me to take on more responsibilities, challenge myself and give back to the community. It has been a great journey so far and I am glad I get to be a part of it.”

Ada, grade 11

”When I first applied, my initial motivation was to take on a new challenge. I have always found I could balance all my subjects and extra-curricular activities rather easily, so I was excited to change things up.

Additionally, I acknowledged it as an opportunity to develop organizational and leadership skills. Looking at fellow scholarship students, I appreciated all the effort and ambition with which they worked to bring their projects to life. I was sure of the fact that there were long hours of work behind the scenes, but with those came the opportunity to learn and progress.

Lastly, I was convinced of the fact that it would have a long-term impact on my professional and personal life. It would give me endless opportunities to make connections, explore different topics and subjects, help my peers and my community and make a change in life at Avenor.”

Alexa, grade 9

”I chose to apply for my scholarship because, at the time, I firmly believed I met the criteria of a scholarship student. I had the grades necessary to apply, but that was not the main reason. I decided to apply because I wanted to bring a new perspective to the community with my project, Avenor Wellbeing, a project which focuses on the wellbeing of the students in Avenor. In addition, I wanted to be a role model to the other students and to motivate them to achieve their goals.”

The Avenor College Scholarship Programme offers High School students scholarships that cover between 25% and 100% of the annual tuition fee. The scholarships are awarded until the end of the current educational cycle, subject to compliance with the terms of the scholarship contract.

More information about the awarding of scholarships, criteria, registration and the programme schedule for the 2023-2024 school year can be found on the Avenor website.