“Builders of the Future” series: Invitation into the world of books

The year 2000 has been filled with events. According to the Chinese calendar, this year was the year of the Golden Dragon. It has been a special year because mankind has celebrated the beginning of the new millenium. Yet, for me, the significance of this year has been totally different. This was the year when a girl with passions and huge ambitions was born.

Everybody believes that people experience only what they are meant to live in the real life, but I don’t agree with this statement. Every time I want to teleport to another world and live the adventures of those times, all I need to do is to shake out the meanings from the pages of a book. Of course, there are many other scientifically proven ways in which books help you: improving the memory, stimulating the brain, enriching the vocabulary, etc. but in my opinion, the most important feature of a book is that it can send you into a whole new world and reveals a whole new perspective on life.

I became aware of the grandeur of books when I was very young, that is why I had a great desire to learn how to read before my classmates. Reading is an essential part of my life; reading relaxes me, entertains me and teaches me to discover new perspectives.

One day, I would really like to write my own book, where I could express my opinions on different critical aspects of the world. In any case, I am perfectly aware that I have a lot to read in order to enrich my knowledge just to be able to offer truly pertinent opinions.

When I was little, I always used to scribble on pieces of paper. In time, these scribbles turned into real drawings, paintings and even sculptures filled with my thoughts, emotions and feelings. Art has become my hobby, one that I feel I cannot live without.

“I want to help people. I want to be the helping hand extended to help them”. This is what I constantly tell myself and those around me. When I discovered the wonders of science, I decided I wanted to combine my desire to help others with this subject and this is how I came to set my goal: I want to become a doctor. Therefore, I think I’ve found the meaning I want to give my life.

Talking about meaning, I realised the meaning of education at a very young age and the search for a valuable education brought me to Avenor College. I feel that this is the school that encourages my passions and guides me on my way to one of the best universities in the world – University of Oxford. This University has one of the libraries I would like to visit. The reasons why this library fascinates me are its age and beauty and also its resemblance to Hogwarts, which would make me feel I am entering a fantastic world.

I will end my article with a short list of books I would recommend to everyone:

To Kill a Mockingbird

This book perfectly illustrates the racial inequality from the period and this problem is approached in a very emotional and intriguing manner.


It is essential to read at least one of Shakespeare’s works in order to understand why he is considered such an extraordinary author. Romeo and Juliet, although a love story, is a very creative book and is a real pleasure to read it.  Moreover, Macbeth has a very special place in my heart because I had the opportunity to play a part in its performance.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

This book tells a profoundy sad and shocking story and yet, it represents the perfect manner for learning about the history of the Holocaust, in a pleasant and intriguing way.


This book offers a possible answer to the question: what would happen if the human species would end up manipulated and an experiment would try to create the perfect human being? Divergent is a book written in the “dystopian” style, which engages the reader,  offering at the same time an idea on what the future would be like. It has a lot of science references, the subject which interests me the most, this book  has managed to fascinate me.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is an author I’ve read and about whom I know a lot of things. I think I owe him gratitude because my existance as a free woman is due to his efforts and achievements. He was the one who supported the development through education and everybody knows that thanks to his actions I, a Turkish girl, can now go to school and pursue my dream of becoming an honorable doctor.

Education – the best antidote against fear, hatred, ignorance, and extremism

In March, Kevin Bartlett, one of the most experienced professionals in international education, paid a four-day visit to Romania and Avenor College. His visit came in the context of Avenor College having achieved Cambridge International Examinations accreditation and joining the European Council of International Schools (ECIS).

Besides training sessions with Avenor teachers and school management, Mr. Bartlett led a workshop that included all the stakeholders involved in the educational process: children, teachers, school management and parents.

Mr. Bartlett has 40 years professional experience, including over 15 years spent as Director of the International School of Brussels (ISB). Under his leadership, IS Brussels was heralded as a ‘School of the Future’, an accolade only given to only five schools in the world and for his exceptional qualities as an educational leader, he was named ‘Superintendent of the Year’ in 2014. Currently, Mr. Bartlett focuses exclusively on sharing the experience and expertise he has accumulated over time through the organisation which he founded – Common Ground Collaborative.

Kevin Bartlett considers that the world has become more divided and more dangerous and that education is the best antidote against fear, hatred, ignorance, and extremism. His answers below will help you understand how Kevin views education and why he considers it vital in creating a learning community around a school:

What are the most important lessons that you have learned during your 40 years of experience as a teacher?

They’re the simple ones. Learn your own craft. Build a relationship with the students, care about them. Build a learning culture and a team spirit in the classroom. Include learning itself as a focal point of the continuous conversation. Establish clear purposes. Give honest, constructive feedback. Focus on strengths. Learn the strategies that work best, practice those. Enjoy it!

Why is the principle of simplicity so important to you regarding schools?

Schools are notoriously complicated organisations. In the absence of a simpler way of seeing things it’s so easy to lose the plot, to go chasing after every new initiative, run out of energy, and lose the focus on learning. Simplicity enables us to see what is the right thing to do and helps us to do things right.

What is learning? How would you define it?

There is really no point in defining learning unless we do so in a way that is simple, memorable and practical, so that the definition actually drives teaching and assessment practice. For these reasons we developed our simple definition of learning with its three interacting strands: conceptual learning, competency learning and character learning.

Which are the most important learning principles to you?

The first one is to have learning principles! Others include the principles that:

  • To be effective and efficient in making learning happen we need to share a common language for learning
  • People can learn how to learn
  • Learning happens best in rich, relevant contexts
  • Real learning involves transfer into different situations

According to The Common Ground Collaborative (CGC) global network, conceptual learning, competency learning, and character learning interact as we learn. How do these three methods actually interact during the learning process? Could you provide examples?

We have to remember that we are talking about what happens in the human brain, a highly complex organ with countless connections. Any definitions of learning are necessarily simplifications of that complexity. Nevertheless, the definitions we use are very useful.

At any given time all three kinds of learning may be in play, but one is likely to be dominant. For example, when a child is practising the violin s/he is predominantly building a competence, but is also learning the character trait of perseverance. When a child is preparing a debate on a complex topic, s/he is developing a conceptual understanding of the key issues, but is also learning the competence of skillful debating.

Why is it necessary to create a learning community around a common objective? In our case, Avenor College.

Whether or not it’s necessary depends on how good the school wants to be. It’s pretty straightforward to have a transactional relationship with your community. Parents pay fees, kids go to school, the school provides an education. Job done. Good enough.

However, for me, good enough is never good enough. I like to work with schools that have a transformational relationship with their community. In schools like this there is a shared vision that all learning stakeholders support. Everyone shares a common language for talking about learning. Everyone knows how to support the child’s learning in the best ways. Everyone learns. Organisations like this transform lives. They become more than a school. They become a learning community.

Why is it important for students, teachers, parents and for the school management to fully understand that each of them has a vital role in the educational process?

Schools are connected organisations, living ecosystems. In an ecosystem, actions in one part of the system always have an impact elsewhere in the system. Everything we all do has some impact on the success of the school and the children in it. Understanding how learning works, giving our children support and feedback, supporting each other’s work, being positive and constructive, assuming good intent of each other… these things create a positive culture in which learning can flourish.

Why do you think it is essential for every educational stakeholder to know how to learn?

Unless we learn how to learn, we can never fully reach our potential. As knowledge grows exponentially, we can never get by with just ‘remembering’. We need the tools to process new information, coming at us from different sources, through different media and we need to be able to make use of it for different purposes.

Obviously, it’s most important that the students know how to learn and that teachers help them to learn that. Then it’s critical that teachers understand the learning process, not just for the students but for themselves. Teaching is a very complex profession and involves a lifetime of professional learning. When parents understand how learning works, they are better placed to understand and support the work of the students… teachers and parents can be lifelong learners too, why wouldn’t they be?

What should every stakeholder do in order to improve the educational environment?

They should do those things that support any successful social environment: assume good intent and act with positive intent themselves; work hard; communicate honestly; collaborate on those projects that are clearly in the interests of the children and the school.

What are those skills that children should learn in school in order to be great, have remarkable results in life, and become independent adults?

They need to learn a range of things, not only skills. These include developing a personal moral compass that will guide them in making the right decision when faced with complex dilemmas. In terms of skills, or competencies, there are plenty, including the ’old basics’ of high levels of literacy and mathematical reasoning, and the ’new basics’ of adaptability, innovation, critical thinking, collaborative problem-solving and technological proficiency.

You said, ‘Education is the best shot we have’. Is education becoming more important than it used to be or the main objective on today’s educational agenda is actually the way education is or should be done?

I’m sitting writing these responses in Brussels, where, over the few days since we returned from Bucharest, there have been multiple murders of innocent people by terrorist extremists. The world is becoming increasingly divided and dangerous. I truly believe that education is the best antidote to the fear, hatred, ignorance and extremism that fuel these various `movements’. People who can think, evaluate information, identify bias and who have developed integrity, empathy and other aspects of good ’character’ are less likely to be led into extremism and mindless violence.

What impressed you the most during your visit at Avenor College?

A number of things: the clarity of vision, the high aspirations, the way the students talk about their school, the commitment of the faculty, the interest parents take in learning, but, perhaps, the most impressive thing is the positive, supportive culture. People really care about the school and about each other. With that kind of spirit, the sky’s the limit!

Avenor Guide to FCE

FCE is an English language exam that can be used every day for living and learning purposes, such as working in an English speaking environment, studying in English at a high level or living independently in an English speaking country. Once students obtain this certification, not only that they can use it for the above purposes, but they hold one of the most valuable English certificates in the world. It is accepted as qualification by lots of leading businesses and educational institutions around the world.

Let’s take a look at how can they successfully pass this exam

They have to prove that they master certain language skills, like keeping up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics, understanding the main idea of complex pieces of writing and producing detailed and clear writing.

The more kids read in English, the better they will do in the exam. Moreover, they will learn most if they enjoy what they read. Let them try film reviews, romantic stories, children’s stories, sports magazines, fashion articles, or travel information. Not everything they read has to be serious, unless they only like serious things. Don’t look up every word in the dictionary, because it will spoil the pleasure. Only look up anything that is essential for understanding.

In order to do the speaking parts well, they should make the effort to practice English whenever possible. They have to make sure that they can talk about themselves, ask someone to repeat or explain, give opinions, agree and disagree. They may need to do all these things in the exam.

Use of English is the part where doing practice tests may help the students most. They also need a good control of grammar and vocabulary. Kids learn best when they write and talk about things that are important to them. Practice making sentences about their own life and experience, using the structures that they want to learn.

There are lots of ways to practice the listening. The handiest ones are to listen to the news in English as much as possible, watch DVDs of English language films without subtitles, listen to songs that they like.

As you can see, this is a serious test, but the preparation doesn’t have to be too serious because it becomes a burden. As long as the kids enjoy the topics that they use to practice, know exactly what they have to do in the exam, think about what they need to improve, look back at the homework their teacher has corrected and understand where they went wrong and get plenty of sleep before the exam, everything will come out right.

About children’s behaviour

When I go into a classroom I enter a different world that of children’s. Each child is a work in progress and it is not the school subject that matters it is all about teaching the child. As a teacher, I pay attention to children’s reactions to cater for their needs later on. Most of the times, they need affection, motivation and encouragement not only at school but also at home. Some parents might fear that there is a gap, a huge difference between children’s behaviour when exposed to these two environments. In their quest to find the right answers they appeal to teachers and both parties set out on this beautiful journey whose ultimate goal is to understand the child and help him discover the joy that comes from learning.

Let us imagine a group of children of similar ages who are a little bit different in terms of social and cognitive development. Some of them had not benefited from a large social exposure therefore are shy some others are very energetic but struggle to retain information and absorb knowledge.

In the first category we deal with children/learners who prefer settling activities, have difficulties in interacting with others, speak in a low voice and have the tendency to stay away from any sort of activities. As a solution, both teachers and parents should encourage these children to get more involved and should praise them for every good deed or correct answer with the aim of motivating and raising children’s self-esteem.

On the other hand, we have very energetic children who can easily make new friends but have a short attention span and struggle to remain focused during settling activities. As a solution the teacher should have a well-balanced lesson plan that would include not only stirring activities but also various worksheets and concentration/memory games that would keep these students’ interest high. Extracurricular activities such as sports, dance, music, and painting clubs can be valuable experiences that parents should consider for their energetic, hyper active children. The aim of all these is to use the children’s energy in a constructive way. By channelling the child’s energy through various activities, one may prevent that it evolve into mischief.

For children who have difficulties in retaining information and absorbing knowledge, the teacher should create a special learning environment based on personalization and knowledge of children’s learning styles: visual, auditory or kinaesthetic. This time again, repetition is the mother of all skill. Therefore, every time the teacher introduces new vocabulary or any type of language he/she should prepare reinforcement activities so that, in the end, the learning objective is achieved and children produce the target language. At home, parents can continue and stimulate the child’s learning process by using the same means. The purpose is to motivate children to learn using their own qualities and preferences.

Let us now imagine the same group of mixed-ability children playing an educational game. This time things change because, by their nature, all children are motivated to play and get involved in this type of activity, no matter their learning preferences or distractions. The child learns through games and has more control over what happens. It is in playing that the individual child is able to be creative and to use the whole personality. Moreover, he is surrounded by other children, having the opportunity to socialize and make new friends he is happy and feels safe even if he is not at home where he receives parents’ attention. These two environments are quite different and for this reason there may appear differences in children’s behaviour when at school. All in all, it is obvious that these environments should have one thing in common: they should provide children the opportunity to play. Perhaps the secret lies in making both school and child’s home “ubiquitous playgrounds” where children feel safe, where both parents and educators guide them in the process of learning.