Avenor Summer School is an annual non-formal education programme, open to our students but also to children outside the Avenor community. Here, learning through discovery and play, trips, and outdoor activities is designed to bring much joy, enthusiasm, and unforgettable memories to the youngest participants, aged 2 to 6 years old. 

For more details about the advantages of participating in the summer programme dedicated to nursery students, we learn from Dora Crețu – Nursery Summer School Coordinator.



How was the summer programme designed?

The Summer School programme dedicated to nursery children, aged 2 to 6, takes place from July 1st to July 26th at the Avenor Cașin location. The space will be transformed throughout the summer to best respond to the two main themes of the Summer School – “The Artist in Nature” and “The Nature Detectives”.

The educational content we have prepared alongside the dedicated team of nursery teachers focuses primarily on outdoor activities, themed parties, movement games, trips and so on, with the objective of providing children with opportunities to explore, have fun, and make new friends.

What are the main advantages of participating in the Summer School programme?

One of the strengths of our summer programme lies in conducting all activities in English, providing children with a great opportunity to practice and acquire new skills in interacting with others in a foreign language. Looking back, it’s amazing how well children manage to communicate and relate, easily adapting to a new environment!

Moreover, for children who will start nursery at Avenor in September, Summer School offers a unique opportunity for integration and induction at the beginning of the school year, being a great time to get to know each other.

What are the most anticipated activities at Avenor Summer School?

The most anticipated activities at Summer School are usually those that provide children with opportunities for exploration and adventure, including trips and themed visits. Whether it’s a trip to the park or a visit to a farm, children are always ready for a new adventure and have plenty to tell and show when they return.

Another activity that brings much joy and fun is Water Fun Day. Full pools, water guns, and water-filled balloons delight children who never want to leave the water play.

Of course, themed parties such as ‘Holi Party‘ or ‘Art Party‘ are also of great interest to children as they encourage curiosity and a spirit of exploration.


Thinking about the programme as a whole, what are the most important aspects for you as educational coordinator?

Considering the implementation of our Summer School programme, both as an educational coordinator and as a teacher, the main objectives we pursue when designing the Summer School programme are:

  • Joy and enthusiasm, including creating an atmosphere where children feel motivated and excited to participate in educational and fun activities.
  • Connection with nature, aiming to value the time spent outdoors through activities such as gardening or outdoor adventures.
  • Promoting learning through play and practical experiences, allowing children to have fun and learn simultaneously.
  • Creating unforgettable memories for children, where they feel appreciated, encouraged, and fulfilled by participating in memorable and enjoyable activities.

In conclusion, I can say that Summer School represents joy, laughter, opportunities, knowledge, and learning. It is a place where “we don’t prepare the path for the children, we prepare the children for the path!