“Middle School Adventures” marks a significant milestone for grade 5 students: their very first book, entirely written, illustrated, and edited by themselves. This impressive book is the outcome of a four-month-long Project-Based Learning (PBL) initiative, carried out with dedication and enthusiasm. During the PBL sessions, the students worked collaboratively towards a shared goal—helping future grade 5 pupils transition more smoothly and enjoyably into middle school.

In an engaging interview, Irina Zamfir, EPA Curriculum Leader and Teacher of Art & Design, shares further insights into this initiative, which was celebrated not only by the young creators but also by their parents and younger peers.

This project transformed Year 5 students into true authors. Over the course of several months, they embarked on a dynamic, creative journey to develop, design, and edit their own book. The experience culminated in a launch event, fully organised by the students themselves—a joyful occasion where their exceptional efforts were celebrated alongside parents and grade 4 pupils.

The project began with brainstorming sessions and group discussions, where the students selected themes that best reflected their school experiences. Through guided workshops, they gained a solid understanding of writing, editing, and book design. With the support of their teachers, they explored narrative structure, visual layout, and thematic consistency, all while managing the project independently and at their own pace.

Each class was divided into three specialised teams—writers, illustrators, and editors—to replicate the professional process of book creation. Every team played a critical role, from crafting and illustrating the story to editing and preparing the book for printing using graphic design tools. This unique project not only sparked creativity but also provided valuable lessons in teamwork and time management.

After completing the book, new teams took on roles in advertising, branding, and organising the launch event. The book was printed in a limited number of copies by a professional printing house.

The launch event served as the highlight of the project. Each grade 5 class presented their work to parents and grade 4 pupils during a celebratory event featuring speeches, videos, and a small exhibition.

Beyond the excitement of creating the book, students also developed portfolios documenting the entire process—from initial concepts to the finished product. This additional challenge encouraged them to appreciate the importance of organisation and planning.

For us, as teachers, the primary objective of this ambitious project was to provide students with the opportunity to independently organise and execute a large-scale creative endeavour. It was designed to showcase their creativity while developing essential skills such as collaboration, planning, and perseverance—valuable tools for any learning or real-life context.