Based on a recommendation received years ago from Professor Mircea Miclea—to intentionally find or create “molecules of joy“, which he described as “those small details in each of our lives that give us hope and help us get through difficult moments“—Valentin Brabete, Teacher of Business Studies and the Form Tutor of 9 Omega, found such a molecule in the schoolyard and then created one himself, sharing the message below with us.

As a school, seeing students of all ages, not just high school students, as we are already accustomed to, can initiate and successfully implement student-led  projects is a confirmation that the transformative education we pursue at Avenor is effectively bridging the gap between theory and practice.

The testimonial message we invite you to read is evidence that conceptual learning, skill development, and the building of moral character—the pillars of learning at Avenor—are being successfully applied in the everyday lives of our 4th-grade students.

”I am writing this message to share what was, for me, a truly wonderful experience—one that filled me with awe, joy, and pride.

This morning, Anna Rebecca saw me on duty and invited me to a show at 12:10 in the Mini Park. I got there. The kids were on stage, with an audience of other students (younger classes, I think) in front of them. Around, there wasn’t a single adult who seemed to be organising them.

And the show began—musical numbers, magic acts, an Eminem song performed with such exuberance and ease by a super charming little boy, Anna Rebecca trying to make herself heard as the presenter between acts, yet never intimidated by the murmurs from the audience, the soloist coordinating the percussionists, Albert acting as stage guard and interpreter, another girl who seemed to be part of the production team and coordinating her peers…



A colleague, a teacher at Primary, joined at the beginning of the show, and with great curiosity, I eagerly asked her what I was witnessing. She knew there would be a short performance but didn’t have more details…

The performance went on for a minimum of 20 minutes, featuring at least 5 distinct acts.

In the end, I understood the purpose: a show organised by the students for their beloved Miss Raluca, whom they miss, and to whom they recorded individual video messages at the end. I found out from my colleagues at Primary that these students had practised on their own for several days. They found their own audience, and at no point did an adult intervene throughout the entire event, except to remind the students passing by the Mini Park during break to be quiet.

I observed the interactions among the protagonists during this performance, and everything happened with empathy, care, and mutual respect, even when things didn’t go exactly according to their plan.

For me, it was a surprise and a joy, and the display of talent I witnessed was a perfect illustration of the Avenor Student Profile in all its 7 dimensions:

  • Inner Balanced – Aesthetics and Belonging
  • Independent and Connected – Autonomous, Disciplined, Leaders
  • Active Positive Citizens – Empathy, Community, Engagement
  • Explorers – Risk Takers
  • Effective Communicators – Listening
  • Creative Thinkers – Innovative
  • Future Ready – Friendship, Ambition

I am deeply impressed; this is a wonderful testament to the incredible efforts of the Primary team.

I am very proud and grateful to be a part of this team.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.