Sorana Vicu

Teachers for Teachers
Teacher of Biology

My vision is based on the idea that every child has a unique potential that needs to be discovered and nurtured with kindness, patience and dedication. I want my students to feel that school is a place where they can explore, where they can make mistakes and learn from them, where they are encouraged to express their ideas and develop their creativity. One of my main goals is to create a positive and motivating learning environment where every student feels valued and supported. 

I really wanted to pursue a career in education. I love teaching others new things and I want to be an inspiration to my students, to inspire them to reach their full potential and to constantly improve in what they love. I also want to prepare my students for life, to share with them some of my relevant experiences when we get into the right context, to instill in them the desire to constantly challenge themselves but without feeling pressure, to behave socially in diverse contexts and thus, perhaps most importantly, to learn to be human. 

I sought to continuously improve myself: I graduated with a Master’s degree in Genetics from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Bucharest, class of 2020. I have worked in state schools, as well as in private schools, in the Romanian and IB system. In these institutions, I had the opportunity to teach biology and develop my teaching skills, adapting to the requirements of both the Romanian and international systems. 

The experience in different educational environments allowed me to better understand the needs of students and to apply innovative and effective teaching methods. In addition, I have always looked for internships abroad and personal development courses to develop my passions. Through my international experience and beyond, I have come into contact with wonderful people and outstanding teachers who have stimulated me to strive to be better in this field. Some of my teachers are true role models from whom any teacher and any human being could have learned. I feel that I have learned a lot from them, ready to pass on that valuable knowledge on my own. 

In the lab, but also during my ERASMUS+ experiences, I have worked and got in contact with people of different nationalities, with whom I have worked extremely well. I consider myself to be sociable, open to new things, a bit nonconformist but with a strong sense for respect, justice and rules at the same time. 

As a biology teacher, I strive to make the subject as accessible and interesting as possible for students, using interactive and modern teaching methods. I believe that a good understanding of biology and science in general not only develops students’ critical and analytical thinking, but also helps them to appreciate the complexity and beauty of the living world around them. Through hands-on experiments and thematic discussions, I aim to instil in them a passion for science and show them how relevant and applicable biological knowledge is in everyday life. 

In addition to teaching, I enjoy getting involved in extracurricular projects that promote science and students’ personal development. I volunteered for 3 years at the “Ajungem Mari “Association, one year at the Romanian Red Cross and I collaborated with the Association of Independent Midwives for biology courses for university admission. These volunteer experiences helped me to better understand the importance of empathy and dedication in the educational process. I believe that extracurricular activities are essential to forming a well rounded personality and developing social and leadership skills. 

Personally, I enjoy playing piano and guitar, drawing, painting, travelling and discovering new things. These hobbies not only provide a way to relax, but also allow me to bring creative and artistic elements into my teaching. In this way, I am dedicated to the mission of providing quality education tailored to the needs and potential of each student. 

I strongly believe in the power of education to transform lives and create a better future. I am excited to be a part of this wonderful journey at Avenor College, and my goal is to not only be a teacher, but also a mentor and role model for students, inspiring them to dream, learn and become the best versions of themselves.