
Avenor Student Profile
What does learning look like at Avenor? What are the landmarks of meaningful learning among students, but also among teachers and parents?
In 2020, an enthusiastic group of leaders, teachers, students and parents created together a new learning profile.
The design thinking process proved to be a real, authentic and interactive model of learning (Project-Based Learning) starting from a real concern of the Avenor community.
The Avenor Learner Profile is an aspirational profile that brings together key characteristics of the Avenor student, but also an inspirational profile, which contributes to the development of a common language of learning in which the voice of the students is heard and everyone has the opportunity to discover alternative routes in the world of knowledge.
The 7 traits of the Avenor Learner Profile are: inner balanced, independent and connected, active, positive citizen, explorer, creative thinker, effective communicator and future ready.
Ioana, Avenor graduate
Student at Carnegie Mellon University (U.S.A)
Alexandra, Avenor graduate
Student at University of the Arts London (U.K)
Maria, Avenor graduate
Student at Erasmus University (The Netherlands)
Ilinca, Avenor student
Tudor, absolvent Avenor
Student la University of Groningen (Olanda)
Bella, Avenor graduate
Student at University of the Arts London (U.K)
Tudor, Ilinca Θi Ioana elevi Avenor β Avenor students
π ππ§π-ππ¬-π‘ππͺπ¦ - Avenor's mathematics magazine
When the passion for creative writing and math meet, wonderful things happen. π ππ§π-ππ¬-π‘ππͺπ¦, the first Avenor mathematics magazine, was written at the initiative of Mihaela AncuΘa, Mathematics teacher and Mathematics Curriculum Leader. The magazine is coordinated by a team of students from middle school and high school.

We invite you to read the issues of the magazine.