The world evolves rapidly. New technology, new occupations, even new areas appear. It is likely that when they finish school, our students will have jobs that do not yet exist. At Avenor College our goal is to educate students to succeed in a future that we can now barely imagine.
We do not only intend to produce mathematicians, physicists, IT experts, linguists etc. We also seek to develop human beings able to adapt to an ever-changing world and to use what they have learnt wherever it may be necessary for them, regardless of the field.

For this reason, our approach is trans-disciplinary and integrative. This, on the one hand, still allows students to target excellent performance in certain subjects, and on the other hand helps them to exceed their boundaries when they apply the studied elements.
Students have experiences that secure their knowledge and exercise specific abilities in multiple areas of their application in life.
Transdisciplinarity is supported by specific activities – school themes, monthly events, Assembly, Avenor College optional subjects and Avenor College clubs.
At Avenor College, transdisciplinary (cross-curricular) classes are planned highlighting possible connections between different disciplines, based on British co-teaching system, sharing experience and best practices.
At the school level, the transdisciplinary approach is reflected in the creation of joint projects involving several pupils in school. We follow the transversal competencies whose development is the objective of the entire transdisciplinary educational design.
Subiectele selectate pentru a desemna temele şcolii, evenimentele corelate, tematica întâlnirilor – toate sunt menite să îmbogățească experiența elevilor noștri și să faciliteze relaționarea lor, astfel încât învățarea să se întâmple într-un mod plăcut.